(the view from our window)
During fourth period yesterday, while I was completing my daily round of yard duty at school, I received a text message from my wife. "You have tomorrow off." While the possibility of a snow day had raced through my mind all day, I hadn't considered it becoming a reality. When I asked whether she was messing with me, Kate replied with a screen cap of "Eyewitness News" that confirmed the beautiful truth. Tomorrow was going to be a snow day.
There are few things that can make an adult feel like a child. For some Christmas does the trick; for others a softball beer league brings them back to their youth. For me, it's all about a snow day. Everyone can remember the snow days from their youth. First the 5 day forecast mentions snow, then you start hearing about possible accumulation numbers and finally, the day before the storm arrives and all you can think about is no school. You wake up early the next morning and flip on the TV in hopes of hearing the good news. Once you hear that school is cancelled you rejoice and start making plans for how to celebrate this joyous event. Sledding, snowball fights or even the always fun snow football game.
When the principal announced the cancellation over the PA, my kids broke out in applause and cheering. Although I didn't cheer along with them, I was celebrating on the inside; happy for them that they would experience the aformentioned joy of a childhood snow day but also happy for me that I would get to have an adult snow day. Throw in the fact that Kate would also have the day off and I was as happy as any of my students.
The following picture was taken at 5:30:
Not 5:30 AM. That's 5:30 PM.
Our door has been locked like this since we went to bed last night. We haven't even thought of leaving today. On most days this would be viewed as lazy and slovenly, but on a snow day it's totally acceptable. I was in my pajamas until 4 o'clock. Who does that? Well someone who has a snow day that's who! (Although if I were being totally honest, I would disclose that I did the same thing when Kate went home to Connecticut last Saturday....maybe I am lazy) Kate and I love each others company and both really enjoy relaxing at home. For us, snow days as perfect.
We got out of bed around 9:30 (late for us), had breakfast and watched 1.5 hours of Game Show Network including Match Game, Family Feud (Ray Combs edition) AND $25,000 Pyramid. SNOW DAY! Thanks to hitting the grocery store the night before we had plenty of drinks and food so we made a great child-like snow day lunch (see pictures below.) SNOW DAY! Since then we've each done some work, watched a little TV and overall had a great day. Throw in that we still have dinner, the Islanders game and "Modern Family" and the snow day (now snow night) still has a lot to offer.
Mayor Bloomberg just announced that schools will be open tomorrow. While I was hoping that we might somehow get another day off, I had such a great day today that it makes the disappointment a little better. Snow days are bonus days in life. Whether you spend them sledding, shovelling or shutting yourself in, snow days are a great day. For now, we'll enjoy the rest of the night and wait for the next time we get the chance to lock ourselves in, watch 30 year old game shows and enjoy the times that make life a little bit better, even if it's just for a day.
Some photos from our snow day:
(Child's Snow Day Lunch)
(Adult's Snow Day Lunch)
(73rd Road)
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